Useful Links

The links listed below are ones we think will be of interest to members of WASACRE.

PLEASE NOTE: WASACRE is not responsible for the content of any of these external links.  

AREIAC – The Association of Religious Education Inspectors, Advisors and Consultants provides advice, challenge, leadership, training and support for multi-faith religious education in schools and colleges.

AULRE – The Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education supports the community of academics in the United Kingdom researching and teaching at the interface of religion and education.

EFTRE – The European Forum for Teachers of Religious Education supports teachers of religious education and the teaching of religious education in a pan-European context

Estyn – Estyn is the office of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales.

ICCS – InterEuropean Commission on Church and School is active in the field of church and  school and focuses on topics such as religious education, multicultural and multi-religious learning, norms and values education, ecumenical learning, education in Europe and the position of religion in the European education policy. 

Interfaith Network for the UK – The Inter Faith Network for the UK promotes good relations between people of different faiths in the United Kingdom.

NASACRE – The National Association of SACREs for England.

Hwb – Hwb – the all Wales Learning Platform supporting national action to encourage, support and prepare teachers to share digital practice and develop a national collection for creating, storing and sharing digital resources.

RE Council for England and Wales – The Religious Education Council of England and Wales was established in 1973 to represent the collective interests of a wide variety of professional associations and faith communities in deepening and strengthening provision for religious education.

RE Quality Mark – The RE Quality Mark has been developed to celebrate high quality religious     education, provides community schools, faith schools and academies with a framework to capture good practice and encourages the development and celebration of school wide commitment to excellent teaching and learning in religious education. 

REsilience – The REsilience programme builds the confidence of secondary school teachers in handling contentious issues in religious education.

Shap – The Shap Working Party on Education in Religions supports the development of teaching about the world’s religions in schools and other educational settings.

St Giles’ Centre – The St Giles’ Centre, Wrexham website provides free access to subject specialist support in RVE, which includes resources and guidance, professional learning materials, research projects and publications, and regular subject-relevant updates.

St Mary’s Centre – The St Mary’s Centre, Wales develops and promotes research that may directly inform practice in school-related and community-related contexts through free curriculum develop
resources and seminars and symposia.

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